"The soul is regenerated in the sacred waters of baptism and thus becomes God's child."
Infant Baptism
We want to assist you in having your child less than 7 years of age receive the Sacrament of Baptism. (Note: If you are seeking Baptism for children who are seven years or older, please contact Youth and Family Ministry at 562-947-5637 x115.)
Congratulations and welcome to St. Bruno! We are privileged to join you in arranging for this first Sacrament. Baptism begins the life-long journey of your child getting to know Jesus and experience His love in all events of life. Through Baptism, the love of God touches the newly baptized in an important way. The effects of original sin are washed away as your child enters the community of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit enters the soul of the newly adopted child of God.
Reminder! Before Selecting Godparents - Please Read Below -
To assist you with an authentic life of a Catholic Christian example for your child, you will choose either a Godparent (male or female) or Godparents, one male and one female. Their primary purpose is to assist and advise you from their role of being a "practicing Catholic”. Their example, their prayers, and frequent contact with you are to help you in raising your child in the Catholic faith as you have promised to do.
Therefore, each Godparent must be Catholic, have received First Communion, and have been Confirmed. They must be 16 years of age or older, and practicing their faith by regularly attending weekly Sunday Mass and receiving Holy Communion. If single, they must not be living with another person as a married couple. If married, Godparents must have been married in the Catholic Church, but do not have to be married to each other. To avoid embarrassment and misunderstanding, please do not ask a person to become a Godparent if they do not fulfill the above requirements for a Godparent. If you have questions before selecting Godparents, contact the Baptismal Coordinator who will assist you.
Baptism Preparation Process
All Baptisms are in the Church and current health guidelines will be followed at the time of Baptism. Information on this website and guidance from Selene Garcia, our Baptismal Coordinator, will fulfill what is needed. Selene may be contacted at [email protected] or by calling 562-947-5637, extension 336.
This site will help your family with the selection of Godparents, details on preparation, guidance for viewing the REBORN videos, and forms for completing registration and making the $50 donation during online registration for Infant Baptism.