He lives within me. There's a world that needs Him. So, He sent me to them.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who is Confirmation designed for?
Confirmation is a two-year process for high school teenagers who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Year 1 is for teens going into 9th, 10th, or 11th grade and Year 2 follows subsequently. If this is your child's first year of preparation, they should be registered in Year 1 accordingly.
When does Confirmation meet?
Year 1 and Year 2 Confirmation both have a Tuesday or Thursday option from 7:00-8:30pm during the school year, typically twice a month. During registration, select your preference of Tuesday or Thursday, subject to availability.
Will meetings be in-person or online?
We plan on all of our meetings occurring in-person and will not have an online or hybrid option.
What happens after I complete online registration?
After you successfully complete the online registration process you will receive a Confirmation Email with information regarding what's next. There is a mandatory Parent Meeting that may only be attended after registration has been completed. The date for the Parent Meeting will be in your Confirmation Email. The Parent Meeting is so important. For more information about that meeting, see below.
What happens at the Parent Meeting?
If you are new to our Youth & Family Ministry approach, you may discover that our ministries are different than what you have experienced elsewhere. We strongly believe in the value of providing enriching opportunities for the whole family to encounter Jesus through His Church and this begins with parents. The Parent Meeting is an opportunity for us to share more with you about our approach to Youth & Family ministry as well as the time we can tackle logistics like calendars/schedules, permission slips, and other important details.
What is the registration fee for Confirmation?
The registration fee for Year 1 is $250 and Year 2 is $400 which includes a mandatory weekend retreat. This includes the cost of all materials, supplies, and needs of this ministry for the entire year.
How do I register for Confirmation?
Registration for Confirmation is split into Year 1 and Year 2. Confirmation requires two years of preparation. If this is your teen's first year of Confirmation, register for Year 1. If this is their second year, register for Year 2. Click Here to Register for Year 1 Confirmation Click Here to Register for Year 2 Confirmation *If your child is in 1st-2nd Grade and has not been baptized or received First Holy Communion, please register them for FHC Prep. *If your child is in 3rd-5th Grade and has not been baptized or received First Holy Communion, please register them for Club 345. *If your child is in 6th-8th Grade and has not been baptized or received First Holy Communion, please register them for Edge.
Is there a discount for multiple children?
We keep the cost of our ministries as low as possible but we want to do everything possible to provide the same opportunity for Catholic families with multiple children. If you have more than one child in our ministries, you can enter the coupon code SBYFM24! during registration for each of your children. This will provide a $25 discount for each of your children. If you selected the two payment option, the discount will be deducted from the final payment on October 31, 2024.